General Terms and Conditions
These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) are valid for all trainings and event contracts between Next Culture Organizations GbR and their ordering customers (in the following also called clients).
These GTC apply exclusively. GTC of the contract partner that are opposed to these GTC, differ from these GTC resp. differ from the legal regulations to the disadvantage of Next Culture Organizations GbR, are not accepted unless Next Culture Organizations GbR explicitly agrees in written form.
The clauses of these GTC apply to both private clients as well as companies according to § 310 BGB. These GTC are also valid for all future businesses with the contract partner.
- Conclusion of Contract
Upon assignment of Next Culture Organizations GbR through the ordering customer (booking of a training or another event, also by email) a binding offer has been submitted. The contract is concluded by the written (also by email) acceptance (acknowledgement of order) of this offer by Next Culture Organizations GbR.
Should the acknowledgement of order differ from the content of the order, a new offer has been submitted to which Next Culture Organizations GbR is bound for 14 days. The contract is then concluded based on this offer, if the ordering customer accepts this offer within this period of time.
Thus, bookings are binding.
- Scope of Service
The scope of service arises from the specific training contract. A guarantee for a subjectively assumed training progress on the part of the client is not given.
Next Culture Organizations GbR reserves the right to change the performance after starting the training for reasons of more effective and efficient target achievement.
- Claim for Fee
As reward for the training performance Next Culture Organizations GbR has the right to claim an appropriate fee to be paid by the client. The fee is agreed upon by contract.
The client receives an invoice, which is payable within 14 days as of receipt of invoice, without any deductions, unless something else is explicitly agreed.
In case the client is in default with the payment, the fulfillment of the performance can also be postponed to another date (also see passage 4.)
- Cancellation of Trainings through the Ordering Customer
The cancellation of a contract / booking has to be done in written form.
Should the execution of the order be prevented by the client after contract closing (e. g. because of cancellation or postponement), the following cancellation rule applies, providing general flexibility of date on both sides:
- Up to 12 weeks before training start: postponement to a new date, no cancellation fee is charged.
- Up to 8 weeks before training start: postponement to a new date. If this not possible, 25% of the invoice amount is charged.
- Up to 4 weeks before training start: postponement to a new date. If this not possible, 50% of the invoice amount is charged.
- Less than 4 weeks before training start: 75 % of the invoice amount is charged.
For Private Trainings Lasting Several Days The Following Rule Applies:
In general: please talk to us and let us find a fair solution for both sides, before resentment arises.
Since Next Culture Organizations GbR has to bindingly book contingents in seminar houses based on the number of training registrations and would have to fully bear the costs in case of cancellation, the following cancellation rule applies for private trainings:
Upon cancellation of an already confirmed registration through the registered participant, the training fee will be fully recompensed, if the cancellation occurs 2 weeks before training start at the latest and the participant registers for a new training date. If the cancellation occurs less than 2 weeks before training start, 50% of the training fee will be charged.
The additional flat rate of the seminar house for accommodation and food will be charged in any case and has to be paid by the participant, if no other person registers and takes the cancelled place of the participant.
A substitute can always be named and participate in the training.
- Cancellation of Trainings through Next Culture Organizations GbR
The organizer can cancel the training or event due to urgent reasons, e. g. illness of the trainer(s) or too few registrations. In this case the already paid fee will be fully recompensed or – after talking to the client – will be kept for the client’s participation in a training on another date.
In case of cancellation through the organizer, Next Culture Organizations GbR cannot be held liable for already booked journeys by car (e. g. rental car), train or flight.
- Training Requirements / Disclaimer
The trainers of Next Culture Organizations GbR work as trainers and coaches according to Possibility Management and offer participants new possibilities and perspectives, which serve the personal development and the unfolding of potential. The trainers of Next Culture Organizations GbR are neither alternative practitioners, nor psycho therapists and do not replace them either. The trainings of Next Culture Organizations GbR are no substitute for any therapy or medical treatment.
The participation of the clients in a training occurs at own risk and responsibility. Each participant is his/her own authority at any time and bears full responsibility for his/her participation and acting.
The trainers of Next Culture Organizations GbR cannot be held liable for damages resulting from the client’s ignoring of Next Culture Organizations GbR instructions. In addition to that, the trainers of Next Culture Organizations GbR cannot be held liable for harm or damages, which the client or participant causes himself/herself, others or third parties.
Next Culture Organizations GbR is responsible – in the context of due diligence – for the faithful preparation, selection and the proper provision of agreed services. Apart from damages, which are based on gross negligence or intent, claims for indemnity brought forward by the client against Next Culture Organizations GbR are excluded.
With the participation in any kind of training of Next Culture Organizations GbR, the client automatically accepts these GTC. In addition to these GTC the separately published „Notes on Participation in Trainings and Coachings of Next Culture Organizations GbR” are valid, which can also be found on the homepage of Next Culture Organizations GbR (
- Anti-Sect-Guarantee
The services of Next Culture Organizations GbR are based on sound, experienced and recognized methods and scientific foundations – not on ideology and sect cult. Therefore, Next Culture Organizations GbR is not in any connection with organizations such as Scientology and the like, and rejects any cooperation with this or similar organizations or related companies. The Next Culture Organizations GbR declares that its services are not based on a method of L. Ron Hubbard or any associated method.
- Data Security
The data of the client are saved by the trainers of Next Culture Organizations GbR in line with the data security regulation. Personal data of the client are not handed to third parties. Find more details in the Privacy Policy.
- Supplements to Agreement
Supplements to agreement have to be done in written form.
- Ineffectiveness of Single Regulations
Should single regulations of the contract with the contract partner (including these GTC) fully or partly be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining regulations is not affected. Fully or partly ineffective regulations shall be replaced by a regulation, which provides economic success that comes as close as possible to the ineffective regulation.
- Place Of Jurisdiction
The place of jurisdiction is Munich, Germany.
- Offeror
Next Culture Organizations GbR
Owner: Patrizia Patz & Nicola Nagel
Phone: +49 (0)8144-246 03 47 (Ammersee office) or +49 (0)89-384 63 36 5 (Munich office)