Our Network
Book Recommendations
In the following you find some book recommendations:
- Edgeworker: Leadership is over – It is time for the Ledership (R)Evolution!
(Nicola Nagel & Patrizia Servidio, Next Culture Press Verlag, 2015, in German only) - Reinventing Organizations (Frederic Laloux, Nelson Parker Publishing, 2014)
- Tribes (Seth Godin, Portfolio Publishing, 2008)
- The Power of Conscious Feelings (Clinton Callahan, Genius Publishing, 2009)
Interesting Links
In the following you find links of further interesting websites:
- Nicola Nagel “viva essenza”: www.viva-essenza.com
- Patrizia Servidio “Die Berufungswerkstatt”: www.berufungswerkstatt.de
- Klaus Strese & Martina Unger “Kopfstand-Coaching”: www.kopfstand-coaching.net
- Michael Pörtner Coaching: http://michaelpoertner.com/
- Film team „Auf Augenhöhe“ / “On Eye-Level”: www.augenhoehe-film.de
- Post Growth Institute: http://postgrowth.org/
- Context Institute: http://www.context.org/
Movie Recommendations
The following movies are inspiring and expand your horizon: