Our New Work Blog - Inspiration to take away
New Rules Do Not Create a New Context
New Work: New Rules Do Not Create a New Context
When it comes to a new way of working, the misunderstanding can quickly come up that it is about new rules and regulations the employees have to stick to. However, the opposite is the case. Through new rules an inspiring co-creation on eye-level can actually be destroyed pretty quickly in an organization. Learn more about what is necessary instead.
Culture Eats Structure for Breakfast
Within the scope of the New Work Movement there is a topic that keeps popping up and brings up a question: How is it possible, to change a long time established hierarchical structure in a company and pave the way for a new kind of working and collaboration?...
Corporate Health Management 2.0
Resilience Training as an important success factor for companies Corporate health management is becoming more and more important in the light of increasing burnout and illness rates. More and more companies are offering stress reduction and health promotion programs...
30 Reflective Questions at the Turn of the Year
The turn of the year is for many people the time of reflection. It is a time when every-day-life slows down and the possibility arises to think about the New Year, make some plans and probably align oneself. Many people make New Year’s pledges that often refer to...
Organizations in times of change
Are you ready for the liquid state? There is a crucial difference between change and transformation. While change is more linear and serves to optimize existing processes or structures, transformation is much more profound and holistic. During a transformation...
4 Essential Aspects for Avoiding Stress and Burnout
With regard to a new way of working there is one topic which many employees wish to change. It is the topic of stress and burnout. It cannot be denied that stress at work is part of daily life in modern performance society and that the burnout rate increases...
Agile needs soft skills
Without special soft skills, agile methods are doomed to fail Agile is the new "magic word" in management circles and is currently becoming a hype. An approach that was initially invented to the efficient development of software is currently conquering the management...
Organizational Resilience
How Fulfilled and Inspired are Your Employees? Today more people are working in bureaucratic organizations than ever before. Between 1983 and 2014, the number of managers, supervisors and other employees in higher positions in the U.S. workforce grew by 90%. A similar...
Stagnancy or Change?
The Challenge of Escaping the Old A very well known proverb from Heraklit of Ephesus (approx. 540 - 480 B.C.) says: “Nothing is as solid as change.” Very wise words that still have validity. That we live in times of rapid change can no longer be denied. Agility,...
Leadership starts with self leadership
Who is the leader - you or the circumstances? Today I start with a question. Are you a leader? Maybe you think, you are not a leader or you are not born to lead. Perhaps you believe that there are plenty of other people, bolder, more extrovert types as you, who are...
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