by Nico_Pat | Jan 2, 2017 | New Work, Stress Management
A Shift To Being With Living and working in modern society increasingly seems to amount to insanity. Never before did modern economy face that many sick days of employees caused by stress or burnout. A big impact has in that case modern communication, which has by now...
by Nico_Pat | Sep 1, 2016 | New Work, Self Leadership
The (R)Evolution starts with YOU! A question that bothers many people working in companies is this: How can I as an individual effectuate change from my current position? This is a really relevant question, which becomes more and more urgent these days, especially...
by Nico_Pat | Jul 1, 2016 | New Work, Self Leadership
A New Perspective on Salaries A delicate topic that causes in companies friction among employees and bosses is the topic of salaries, especially among employees with a nontariff contract. Money plays for most of the people an important role, because it gives them...
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